Unwrap Day 9 of Buildmas w/ 15% Off Gun Parts! Use Code: BUILD


Unwrap Day 9 of Buildmas w/ 15% Off Gun Parts! Use Code: BUILD

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Daily Defense 2-7: Will Ankle Carry Give You a Leg Up?

3 years ago

We've all seen ankle holsters used by characters in movies and TV shows. But is it a viable carry option in the real world? Yes, it is! Ankle concealed carry is typically used by folks who have certain restrictions in their wardrobes or their environments. If it's the ONLY way you can carry a firearm, then by default it's your best option! Handgun size - and thus weight - really does matter in ankle carry. Keep the gun as light as possible. The most popular ankle holster is the traditional leather scabbard that belts to your leg. You have to be physically flexible to use an ankle holster because you'll have to bend down to draw the gun. Major Downside: the draw stroke fixes you in a position. You can draw your firearm or you can move away from a threat. But you can't do both simultaneously. Major Upside: ankle carry gives you very quick access to the gun when you're sitting. It's a handy carry position if you sit a lot. For best concealment and easiest access, the holster should be on the inboard side of the leg on your weak side. There are three basic ways to draw from an ankle holster: (1) Bend over, pull up pant leg with both hands, draw gun with strong hand, return to standing position. (2) Kneel down on strong knee, lift pant leg with both hands, draw gun with strong hand, and STAY kneeling. (3) Kneel down on strong knee, lift pant leg with both hands, draw gun with strong hand, and STAND back up. In all three methods, the key is to keep your draw stroke consistent.